Author: Gerhard Triebnig

How EO expertise powers agri-monitoring decisions (Part 3)

This blog post is the third part of a multi-post series. Introduction The first and second parts of this blog post series introduced the Area Monitoring System (AMS) and the EO-WIDGET project. Furthermore, it covered user interface components, APIs (Application Programming Interface) and backend ser ...

VirES Update for Plasma & Bubble Index Data

We have launched VirES for Swarm 1.1 on 27 September 2016 and Daniel Santillan ( presented it to core scientists and experts at ESA's 6th Swarm Data Quality Workshop held at Univ. Edinburgh. The new version gives also systematic access to the plasma products and ionospheric b ...

@ IUGG 2015

Daniel Santillan, EOX, presenting virtual science workstation for Swarm mission data to Geomagnetists meeting at IUGG 2015 in Prague (download VirES poster)