
Looking to work in an enthusiastic team in international Earth Observation projects on Open Source and Open Data solutions and services?
We're always on the lookout for motivated server or web developers, operators, UI designers, data experts, sales reps, or (chances are high) your specific expertise. See our open positions. Looking forward to your introduction at
Ahmed Behairi
Front-End Engineer
Software Engineer with a passion for writing pristine code to create innovative, and impactful products. Loves travelling and exploring the world.
Aleksandra Belonic
Senior Financial Manager
Finance background with multi language skills, loves science, astronomy and figuring out how things work, into entrepreneurship, brain challenges, sports, interior design and travel
Anita Miskovic
UI/UX Designer
User interface designer with a focus on enhancing user experiences across digital platforms.
Bernadett Csonka
Agricultural Engineer - Senior Consultant
A missioner of agri-environment, biodiversity and the Copernicus-based Area Monitoring System (CAP). Keen on fine art painting and interior design.
Christian Schiller
EO Senior Scientist, Dev(Sec)Ops, (Sys)Admin, and all that Jazz
From the marine depth to space: accumulating over 25 years of experience in Earth observation information services in academia, international institutions, public applied research and now EOX. Advocating free and open source data, software, scientific publications, and information.
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Daniel Santillan
Lead Software Engineer, CTO, Data Rendering and Dashboard Visualizations
Likes to experiment with visualizations for (geo) data. Tinkerer, 3D printing and gaming!
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Elias Wanko
Cartographer and GIS Specialist
Geodata juggler from Tyrol, Austria exploring the realm of AI. Connected to nature, enjoys cooking, good movies, games, and unnecessary facts.
Gerhard Triebnig
Business Strategy Consultant, Strategic EO/Space Consultant
Four decades of dedication to IT and Earth observation service concepts and implementations, over a rainbow of affiliations in academia, public applied research, the international institutions ESA and EC; now promoter of finest company in geospatial industry.
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Helmut Herglotz
Senior Project Manager
IT project management and Green Finance agenda @eox. Background in business administration and software development. Into music and cooking.
Joachim Ungar
Lead Cartographer, Geoprocessing Specialist & Python Developer
Map maker, data shoveler and Open Source GIS enthusiast from Salzburg, Austria. Worked as a researcher and web developer before EOX. Also enjoys cooking, football and good rock music.
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Josef Prenner
Senior DevOps Engineer
Working as Software Engineer for over 10 years for various companies and operating different stacks from bare-metal over Cloud environments to Kubernetes. Maker of the famous Unreal Engine geodata extension "Landscaping".
Karl Grube
System Engineer, Network Engineer
Pianist, Free Software Advocate. A proudly lazy administrator who prefers automation and building better services over fixing broken systems.
Karolína Lehotská
Customer Success Manager
A geographer loving maps since kindergarten. Likes languages, knitting, swimming, nordic walking, board games and amusement parks.
Lubomír Doležal
Geospatial IT Engineer
Open Source GIS enthusiast. Feels great when a hidden bug gets tracked and fixed. Loves escaping cities on a bike, fantasy books and board/video games. PyLadies Vienna co-organizer.
Lucia Kadlec
GIS Specialist
Enthusiastic about GIS
Mario Strigl
senior manager
project hunter, financial analyst, motorbiking, researcher.
Martin Pačes
Senior Software Engineer
Passionate about mathematical modelling, numerical methods, analytics, high-performance optimization and programming in imaging, visualization and geospatial software endeavours.
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Miriam Mabeya
Senior Sales Manager
Inbound and outbound sales with background in GIS and Remote Sensing. Sales and marketing materials developer, EOxCloudless products support. Esri Account Manager and Worldsview Regional/Country Sales Manager before EOX. Leader and advocate for more women in the geospatial arena. Also enjoy singing and listening to hymns.
Moritz Riede
Front-End Developer
A multi-purpose developer with a passion for aesthetically and functionally well-designed software, orbital mechanics and blueberry muffins. Loves doing any kind of creative work in his free time and plays piano regularly.
Mussab Abdalla
Geospatial IT developer
geomatics engineer, passionate about geospatial and open source software,loves to learn about different cultures, cooking and watching soccer.
Nicolas Baudoin
Junior System Engineer
A black belt in Ansible and a tongue sharper than a katana blade. Having trained as a karate master in Japan, he brings focus and discipline to his work. When not automating systems, he's busy preventing his wild progeny from destroying his surroundings - a true feat of strength and patience.
Nikola Jankovic
Geospatial IT Engineer
Geospatial engineer and developer with a background in GIS. Likes science, tinkering and figuring out how things work, open-source software, gaming, traveling
Petr Ševčík
Cartographer, Remote Sensing and GIS Specialist
Cartographer from the Czech Republic with experience of governing GIS data from remote sensing sources. Likes climbing, hiking, music and gaming.
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Radu-Mihai Pașparugă
Front-End Developer
Finding bugs by moonlight, fixing them by daylight
Silvester Pari
Developer of Web Front-Ends and Design-Driven Product Concepts
One brain hemisphere for music and computing, one for travel, international culture and organization, both for meeting challenges @eox
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Srijit S. Madhavan
Engineering Consultant, Front-end Developer
Assisting startups over 7+ years in software engineering and development. A cricket fanatic, political observer, art admirer, financial market explorer, regional Indian movie buff, loves riding motorcycles & an amateur designer.
Stefan Achtsnit
Strategic IT consultant, CIO, System architect
pragmatist with > 15 years enterprise software experience seeking to constantly challenge the not-invented-here-syndrome
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Stefan Brand
Cartographer, Vector Data and Python GIS Specialist
Loved by Christ, blessed by the Father. Never satisfied with superficial answers. Youth ministry leader. Reading, cooking, (train) traveling, board games, jigsaw puzzles, pilgrimages.
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Stephan Meißl
CEO, management and business development, supporting full-stack dev(sec)ops (sys)admin, OGC WCS and Coverages groups co-chair, OSGeo charter member
Free and open source software, open data, maps, space, entrepreneurish, at @eox_a, skiing, climbing, occasionally Sherlock.
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Týna Doležalová
Geospatial Data Scientist
Excited about data engineering, modelling and data of all types. Passionate about introducing more women to the IT world as PyLadies Vienna Organizer. I really like to hike but also spend time with a large cup of coffee and a good book.
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Viktor Farkas
Frontend Developer
Enthusiastic builder of frontends in the world of Earth observation. Hobbies include electronic music production, video games, cooking, rock climbing, camping and hiking.
Lead woof
Enthusiastic greeter, loves gaming, and hiding things and himself.